What is color therapy?

Color therapy is the method of treating ailments or bringing balance to your energy. Color therapy can be done through the eyes or by wearing the color for a particular intent.

  • RED- love, passion, strength, power, sensitivity, danger
  • BLUE- healing, peace, truth, patience, loyalty, stability
  • BLACK- silence, elimination, protection, elegance, death, mystery, power, 
  • WHITE- imagination, purity, new beginnings, innocence
  • SILVER-intuition, open-ness, grace, modern technology
  • GREEN- life, nature, health, abundance, prosperity
  • PURPLE- deep connections, wisdom, ambition, independence
  • YELLOW- learning, creativity, communication, joy, positivity, remembrance
  • BROWN- grounding, home, stability, foundation, security, warmth, 
  • ORANGE- luck, magnetism, energy, success, determination